Brain Drain

People move abroad for better education, career advancement, professional growth and foremost of all, better infrastructure which our Government promises but fails to deliver every time even after cashing in 30% tax from the corporate salaried personnel.

No matter how much amount you earn, you will end up paying 30% taxes (off-course if you are falling within the highest tax slab rate) and only to find below-average infrastructure and public utilities.

People need better public utilities and infrastructure in lieu of paying this higher tax. Other countries offer the best public transportation and amenities, even to those who are part of middle-class families.

Singapore offers the best public utilities and charges a mere 10% tax rate from salaried individuals. 

India is full of corrupt people and most of the taxpayer's money is going to fill the pockets with some politicians. 

They say, when you can't change the system or others, you should change yourself. Following this logic, people change themselves, work upon obtaining opportunities abroad and settle down there. 
