Drawbacks of ChatGpt


Since the introduction of ChatGpt, everyone has been concerned about its features and how they can help us in real life. But like every other technology or mechanism, ChatGpt also has its own flaws.

So let us discuss about the drawbacks of ChatGpt,

1. Lack of current knowledge - 

ChatGpt can solve maths problems or even write essays about historical topics, but the one problem that ChatGpt has is that it can't give answers about current affairs as the model is pre-trained and has limited knowledge about what it is fed. It can only be updated with new knowledge during further training.

2. missing common sense - 

ChatGpt has a great amount of knowledge about different things and can do some critical tasks, but one thing chatgpt lacks is common sense. Common sense cannot be trained, so it's not possible for a chatbot to have common sense, which may also cause you to get some nonsensical answers from ChatGpt in reply to your questions.

3. Can come up with wrong answers - 

Some people have this preconceived notion that ChatGpt can answer any question, and it will be 100% correct, but that's not true. Yes, chatgpt can answer several questions, but there are examples where ChatGpt has failed to give the right answer. ChatGpt also failed to clear the UPSC exam in India because of this tendency to give wrong answers.

4.  No insight - 

While you want to learn or research something, you can use ChatGpt just to get a  summary of a topic. ChatGpt is not able to come up with human-like insights about a topic. ChatGpt lacks in-depth knowledge about something which humans can have after studying about that.

5. Can't do multitasking - 

Like humans, ChatGpt also has a problem with multitasking. If you give ChatGpt different tasks at a time, it may not be able to provide you with a suitable result as the effectiveness decreases. ChatGpt can perform well when it is given a single task.

6. Structural mistakes - 

When ChatGpt was first introduced, many people thought the chatbot could be used for copywriting or blogging, but then structural errors came in the way. While you're writing long-form content, you need to follow the proper structure and flow, but ChatGpt lacks that.

7. Expression problems - 

When someone reads any content piece, it should make the emotions of the reader awake, but ChatGpt generated content lacks that. It is too formal and lacks the emotional touch, as the machine doesn't have thoughts and feelings.

8. Biased response - 

While you ask any political or historical questions to ChatGpt, it may come up with some biased response that contains prejudices. AI tools may generate content that's biased according to their training data.

9. Lack of fine-tuning - 

If you want to use ChatGpt for any particular use case, then you may have to fine-tune it, i.e. training the model with some different set of data to get your job done. It is a time and resource-consuming task.

Image source: Google Images
